Natalie zoekt een Kamer / Huurwoning / Studio / Appartement in Leiden

Natalie zoekt: Een Kamer / Huurwoning / Studio / Appartement in Leiden

  • Kamer / Huurwoning / Studio / Appartement
  • Min. 9 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 10 Per direct

Hi everyone, my name is Natalie Santagostino. I'm from Italy and I'm moving to Leiden from August/September to January/February for Erasmus. I'm a second year student of Biotechnology and I'm a volleyball player. I'm a very friendly person, I like hanging out with friends, going out for drinks and dancing! I love doing sports, explore new things and as Italian I can cook quite well. I'm half dutch because my mother is from Groningen and my sister is now living in Amsterdam. I'm used to share and live with other people, being in 5 in my family :)

Algemene informatie: Natalie
  Vrouw, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Biotechnology (UNIVERSITEIT)